Merlin’s Beauty Spot


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My Mama suggested “Merlin’s Beauty Spot” as the name of my business. At first I didn’t like it because it had my name in it, and though I love my name it made me uncomfortable, somehow seemed like boasting. Well I’m over that now. My ego is feeling healthy and happy, so here goes nothing.

I have been told that 30 is a pivotal year. It certainly has been for me. I turned 30 in September.  I don’t think I have ever been so excited about an age. I started off with a bang, attending the weddings of many of my best friends and ending in November with a blowout birthday bash. I feel as if I am starting an era where I finally feel secure in my own skin and have enough experience to share it with confidence.

In about a month I am moving cross country, or back left, making a new home in a somewhat familiar place.  For now this blog will serve as a journal of my journey … who know’s where it will go from there. I have grand ideas and big plans, so stay tuned!
